Berlin 2036

Brand Identity
Project Overview
Reimagining Olympic branding to promote healing and unity to a historically divided context. Berlin was last home to the Olympics in 1936 under Nazi rule. The future 2036 event acts as a celebration of peace and progress which triumphs against the forces of hate and fascism. The project strives to unify the cosmopolitan identity of Berlin while showing its young and innovative energy as one of the cultural hubs of Europe.
My Contributions
Total Project
Freshly returned from a 2-month summer internship in Berlin, I wanted to explore how a brand identity could capture the zeitgeist of such a richly complex city. Many of the old scars of Berlin are still visible, from the construction of their building to the streetlights which differ between the East and West portions of the city. The current cosmopolitan identity of Berlin stands as a testament to the unity of people in the midst of so many dividing forces. Whether it was the horrors of World War II, or the subsequent division of the city in two by Soviet and NATO forces, Berlin has now emerged as one of the most diverse cities in the world.

I wanted to capture this rough, resilient, and constructive identity with the choice of colors and typography. The contemporary wide sans-serif headers contrast the dated mono type body copy to show the balance of new and old. Design assets also reflected the technical/Bauhaus heritage of the city which sought to strip out all unnecessary design elements in favor of ergonomic functionality.

While the brand identity was designed to be versatile, the scope of the project was limited to a single event in the Olympics, fencing. This limited scope allowed me to quickly iterate different design decisions to see how they contributed to the overall brand identity. In the end I delivered a logo, lanyard, website, flier, and poster.
Visual Communications Design